Lexant partners with Academy ASK, a benefit training and consulting company, in the establishment of Team Esport LXT, which will be involved in the competition for FIFA23 and Valorant titles.

The new team will offer its legal and tax expertise to the market in the ongoing regulatory process in the system, and will also develop initiatives and multimedia information and awareness content on related risks, such as those of cyberbullying, match fixing, privacy, and gambling addiction.

Learn more about Team Esport LXT

The world of Sport has seen its virtual dimension grow quickly, encompassing more and more of the market.
This fast-paced evolution still has to face many regulatory gaps: Lexant, with a dedicated, highly trained team, is able to provide a vital support for the benefit of young e-gamers, investment companies and sports teams within the Virtual Games environment.

How Lexant can support you

Assistance to companies and individuals keen to invest in the E-sports industry

Protection of the Pro-Player

Support in the creation and management of E-Sport teams

Management of intellectual property, sponsorship and relations with Broadcasting, Media and Entertainment

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