To us, evolving means carrying on with what we believe in and giving it new value.
As a B Corporation Law Firm, Lexant has a drive to improve and refine our notion of team and collaboration, criss-crossing each single element with the
qualities that the term “Benefit” embodies: a greater focus on ethics, sustainability and the environment.

With the conversion into a B Corp, Lexant welcomes a new organization.


Lawyer Andrea Davide Arnaldi

Born in Milan (MI) on July 9, 1970
Admission to the Milan Bar, 2001

Languages: Italian, English
Education: Degree in Law, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, 1996.
Practice areas: support and legal advice in industrial investment projects in foreign markets, mergers and incorporations, national and international transport law, contract law and litigation relating to agency agreement,  commercial law, bankruptcy law.
Office: Milan


Lawyer Anna Caimmi

Born in Milan (MI) on April 4, 1968
Admission to the Milan Bar, 1996

Languages: Italian, English, German, French
Education: Degree in Law, Laurea in Giurisprudenza Università Statale di Milano, 1992. Tesi di laurea in filosofia del diritto titolo il concetto di rule of law nei sistemi di common law.
Practice areas: private and procedural international law, advice and labor litigation, family law, administrative law, company and commercial law, bankruptcy law, contract law
Office: Milan


Lawyer Simona Cardillo

Born in Borgomanero (NO) on October 8, 1982
Admission to the Milan Bar, 2010

Languages: Italian, English
Education: Degree in Law, Università degli Studi of Milan, 2006. Thesis on European Union law.
Practice areas: business consulting, commercial contract law, compliance and credit management.
Responsible for the management and coordination of business compliance related projects, with particular reference to business sustainability projects, ESG, Benefit Corporations/B Corp and privacy issues.
She lectures in her areas of specialization. 
Furthermore, she acts as Impact Manager (pursuant to L.208/2015) for Lexant and for other leading companies.
Office: Milan

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